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Audit Events
Nathan Sales avatar
Written by Nathan Sales
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

πŸ‘€ Only Organizations Owners can access this feature.
🚩 Only available on the Enterprise Plan.


Separate from ArborXR's Deployment Status feature, Audit Events provides a detailed view of specific actions that occur within each ArborXR organization along with whom, when, and where the action was originated. The Audit Events page tracks specific events including (but not limited):

  • Devices creation

  • Devices deletion

  • App creation

  • File creation

  • Group creation

  • App & file deployments/updates

  • User-based events

    • User Invitations

    • User added

    • User permission updated

    • User account details updated

    • User deleted

Open Audit Events

  1. Select Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select Audit Events.

Search Audit Events

The Audit Events table can be searched by anything in the What Happened column.

  • The action taken (e.g. DELETED, CREATED, UPDATED)

  • The name of the device, group, app or file in question

  • The unique ID of the device, group, app or file in question, which is the second string of characters in the URL

Export .csv of Audit Events

The past 6 months of audit data is searchable and filterable in the web portal. For organizations older than 6 months, and therefore with 6+ months of event data, a .csv of all events can be exported by clicking on the export icon to the right of the search and date range filter inputs.

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