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Manage Billing & Subscription
Manage Billing & Subscription

Information and FAQs on billing & subscription management.

Josh Franzen avatar
Written by Josh Franzen
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

πŸ‘€ Organizations Owners.

Plans & Pricing

See for details on plans & pricing.

Upgrade from the Free Trial to a Paid Plan

  1. Navigate to Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Click Manage Plan.

  4. In the Device Limit input, enter the desired device limit.

  5. Above the plans table, select either Pay Monthly or Pay Annually, depending on which billing cycle meets your needs.


  6. Within the plans table, select Upgrade Plan under either the Starter, Essential or Enterprise plan, depending on which plan meets your needs.

  7. Click Checkout.

  8. In the hosted checkout page that was opened as a new window, enter your name, email address, and billing address then click Next.


  9. Select between either Credit Card or Direct Debit (ACH) and enter required info.

    πŸ’‘ Direct Debit (ACH) is only available for customers based in the US.

  10. Review your order then click Pay & Subscribe.

Increase or Decrease Device Limit


  • If you increase your device limit, you will immediately be charged a prorated amount for the new devices according to the amount of time left in your current monthly or annually billing cycle.

  • ​If you decrease your device limit mid way through your billing cycle, you will be issued a prorated credit according to the amount of time left in your current monthly or annually billing cycle. This credit can be used towards adding more devices in the future. A refund will not be issued.

  1. Navigate to Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Click Manage Plan.

  4. In the Device Limit input, enter the desired device limit then click Checkout.


    πŸ’‘Your current count of active devices will be pre-filled as the minimum starting quantity. We recommend proactively setting the device limit to the total number of devices you expect to setup with ArborXR in the immediate near future.

  5. In the hosted checkout page that was opened as a new window, review your order then click Pay & Subscribe.


Some of our devices aren’t active, do I still have to pay for them?

Yes. You will be billed based on your organization's device limit, not the number of devices you have enrolled. With that in mind, set your device limit to the number of devices you plan to enroll into ArborXR in the near future.

What happens when I enroll more devices than my plan permits?

All devices enrolled in excess of your plan's limit will be visible in the ArborXR web portal but will be disabled and shown in the Pending tab of the device index page. You will not be able to manage them until you increase your device limit.

πŸ’‘ A couple of notes with regards to devices enrolled in excess of the limit:

  • You cannot choose which devices to put in the pending limit increase state. Our system handles this automatically, based on the order the devices were most recently enrolled (last in, first out).

  • If you have multiple devices awaiting a limit increase and you remove an active device from ArborXR, freeing up a slot, the next device in line will automatically become active (first in, first out).

How can I increase my device limit once I've exceeded my plan's device limit?

  1. Navigate to Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Click Manage Plan.

  4. In the Device Limit input, enter the desired device limit then click Checkout.


    πŸ’‘Your current count of active devices will be pre-filled as the minimum starting quantity. We recommend proactively setting the device limit to the total number of devices you expect to setup with ArborXR in the immediate near future.

  5. In the hosted checkout page that was opened as a new window, review your order then click Pay & Subscribe.

πŸ’‘ Upon increasing your device limit, you will be charged a prorated amount for the new devices according to the amount of time left in your current monthly or annually billing cycle.

How is payment processed?

We use Stripe to process your credit and debit card payment.

We use Plaid to process direct debit (ACH).

How can I update my payment method?

  1. Navigate to Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Within the Billing Details card, click Edit.

How can I cancel my subscription?

  1. Navigate to Settings in the side navigation menu.

  2. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Click Manage Plan.

  4. Click Cancel.

  5. In the confirmation pop-up click Yes, Cancel.

πŸ’‘ Your subscription will be cancelled at the end of your current monthly or annually billing cycle.

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