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How can I share multiple apps at once?
How can I share multiple apps at once?

Steps to share multiple apps with one or multiple organizations at once.

Josh Franzen avatar
Written by Josh Franzen
Updated over a week ago
  1. Navigate to the Content Library.

  2. Select the applications you wish to share by clicking on the checkbox next to each of the apps.

  3. Select the Edit button, which can be found to the left of the search bar.

  4. Click Share Apps.

  5. By default, the Default Release Channel for each of the selected apps will be shared. To share a Release Channel other than the Default, click on the caret icon to open a pop-up and then select the desired Release Channel.

  6. In the Select Organization input:

    • Share with internal organizations you have access to by selecting them via the dropdown.

    • Share with external organizations you do not have access to by entering the external organization's slug. You can paste multiple organization slugs to share to multiple external organizations simultaneously.

      ⚠️ IMPORTANT: The recipient organization will need to share their organization slug with you. The organization slug is found in Organization Settings > Overview > Organization Slug.

  7. Click Share.

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